Primary Endpoints:
BE OPTIMAL primary endpoint: ACR50 at Week 16: 44% (BIMZELX), 10% (placebo) – (P<0.0001)
BE COMPLETE primary endpoint: ACR50 at Week 16: 43% (BIMZELX), 7% (placebo) – (P<0.0001)
Rapid joint improvement from the very first dose*
ACR20 and ACR50 response rates at Week 4 (NRI)1,2†

ACR20 and ACR50 response rates at Week 4 (NRI)1,2†

Joint results that are fast
In BE OPTIMAL, a difference in responder rates for BIMZELX vs placebo were observed as early as Week 2 for ACR20, after a single dose1‡
From the very first dose as measured at Week 4; results were not immediate.
Endpoints not adjusted for multiplicity. Nominal P values.
ACR20: 117 (27%) of 431 with BIMZELX vs 22 (8%) of 281 with placebo.
Significant joint improvement achieved at Week 16
ACR50 and ACR70 response (NRI)1,2

ACR50 and ACR70 response (NRI)1,2

Consistent responses in bio-naïve patients (BE OPTIMAL) and patients with inadequate response or intolerance to TNF-α inhibitors (BE COMPLETE)
Complete resolution*
Pooled data from the BE OPTIMAL and BE COMPLETE studies showed that a greater proportion of patients with enthesitis and patients with dactylitis at baseline reached complete resolution at Week 16 when taking BIMZELX compared to placebo.
- Enthesitis: 50% vs 35% (P=0.0083)*
- Dactylitis: 76% vs 51% (P=0.0022)*
Per protocol, data were pooled from patients in BE OPTIMAL and BE COMPLETE with dactylitis (n=90) and enthesitis (n=249) at baseline. Ranked secondary endpoint adjusted for multiplicity.
Maintained joint improvement achieved over 2 years
BE COMPLETE: 2-year open-label extension ACR50 (NRI)3

Consistent results were demonstrated over 2 years in the open-label extension for BE OPTIMAL.3
Improved symptoms plus inhibition of structural damage
- 89% of patients experienced no radiographic progression through 1 year4 *†
Structural damage progression in the hands, wrists, and feet was assessed on plain radiographs using the van der Heijde modified Total Sharp Score (vdHmTSS). No progression was defined as a change from baseline in vdHmTSS of ≤0.5.
Observed cases from the overall study population. No progression was observed in 326/365 patients.
Study designs
(inadequate response or intolerance to TNF-α inhibitors)2
Want more information about BIMZELX?
ACR=American College of Rheumatology criteria; IGA=Investigator’s Global Assessment; NRI=nonresponder imputation; PASI=Psoriasis Area and Severity Index; TNFα-IR=TNFα intolerance
or inadequate response; Q4W=every 4 weeks; Q8W=every 8 weeks.
References: 1. McInnes IB, et al. Lancet. 2023;401(10370):25-37. 2. Merola JF, et al. Lancet. 2023;401(10370):38-48. 3. Mease PJ, et al. Rheumatol Ther. 2024;11(5):1363-1382. 4. Ritchlin CT, et al. Ann Rheum Dis. 2023;82(11):1404-1414. 5. BIMZELX® [prescribing information]. Smyrna, GA: UCB, Inc. 6. COSENTYX® [prescribing information]. East Hanover, NJ: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp. 7. TALTZ® [prescribing information]. Indianapolis, IN: Eli Lilly and Company. 8. SILIQ® [prescribing information]. Bridgewater, NJ: Bausch Health US, LLC.