BIMZELX delivered rapid and sustained ACR50 response1-3
Primary endpoint: ACR50 at Week 16 (NRI)1,2

Primary endpoint: ACR50 at Week 16 (NRI)2,3

*Nominal P value at Week 4.
Improvements were sustained through 2 years2
ACR50 through Week 104 (OC)

OC: Observed case analysis of patients with missing data at a specific time not included. Open-label extension limitations: lack of a comparator past Week 16 and use of select study populations that were more likely to show drug effect.
BIMZELX 160 mg Q4W (OC): Week 4 (n=425); Week 104 (n=349).2
Placebo to BIMZELX 160 mg Q4W (OC): Week 4 (n=274); Week 104 (n=227).2
Randomized set not adjusted for multiplicity; nominal P value.
ACR50 through Week 100 (OC)

OC: Observed case analysis of patients with missing data at a specific time not included. Open-label extension limitations: lack of a comparator past Week 16 and use of select study populations that were more likely to show drug effect.
BIMZELX 160 mg Q4W (OC): Week 4 (n=264); Week 100 (n=209).2
Placebo to BIMZELX 160 mg Q4W (OC): Week 4 (n=131); Week 100 (n=103).2
Randomized set not adjusted for multiplicity; nominal P value.
Demonstrated efficacy in bio-naïve and bio-experienced patients1-3
ACR20/50/70: sustained efficacy2
ACR20/50/70 through Week 104 (OC)

OC: Observed case analysis of patients with missing data at a specific time not included. Open-label extension limitations: lack of a comparator past Week 16 and use of select study populations that were more likely to show drug effect.
ACR20: BIMZELX 160 mg Q4W (OC): Week 16 (n=413); Week 104 (n=348).2
ACR50: BIMZELX 160 mg Q4W (OC): Week 16 (n=414); Week 104 (n=349).2
ACR70: BIMZELX 160 mg Q4W (OC): Week 16 (n=417); Week 104 (n=349).2
Randomized set; other efficacy endpoint not adjusted for multiplicity; nominal P value.
ACR20/50/70 through Week 100 (OC)

OC: Observed case analysis of patients with missing data at a specific time not included. Open-label extension limitations: lack of a comparator past Week 16 and use of select study populations that were more likely to show drug effect.
ACR20: BIMZELX 160 mg Q4W (OC): Week 16 (n=260); Week 100 (n=210).2
ACR50: BIMZELX 160 mg Q4W (OC): Week 16 (n=260); Week 100 (n=209).2
ACR70: BIMZELX 160 mg Q4W (OC): Week 16 (n=260); Week 100 (n=210).2
Randomized set; other efficacy endpoint not adjusted for multiplicity; nominal P value.
ACR20=American College of Rheumatology criteria for 20% response; ACR50=American College of Rheumatology criteria for 50% response; ACR70=American College of Rheumatology criteria for 70% response; NRI=nonresponder imputation; Q4W=every 4 weeks.
References: 1. McInnes IB, et al. Lancet. 2023;401(10370):25-37. 2. Data on file. UCB, Inc., Smyrna, GA. 3. Coates LC, et al. RMD Open. 2024;10(1):e003855.